Bi-Monthly News Channel Features


Our Bi-Monthly News Channel Features service is designed to enhance your visibility and credibility by securing regular appearances on prominent news channels. This unique service ensures that your message, brand, or campaign gains significant exposure through reputable media outlets, reaching a wide and diverse audience. By strategically scheduling these features, we help maintain a consistent presence in the public eye, keeping your initiatives at the forefront of relevant discussions.


Key Features:


1. Media Relationship Management:

   - Leveraging our extensive network of media contacts, we cultivate relationships with key news channels and journalists to secure feature opportunities for your brand or campaign.


2. Content and Messaging Strategy:

   - We work closely with you to develop compelling content and key messages for each feature, ensuring they align with your overall objectives and resonate with the target audience.


3. Scheduling and Coordination:

   - Our team manages the scheduling and logistical coordination of news features, ensuring they are evenly spaced and timed to maximize impact and audience engagement.


4. Media Training:

   - To prepare you for on-air appearances, we provide media training, including message delivery, handling tough questions, and on-camera presence, to ensure you communicate effectively and confidently.


5. Feature Monitoring and Analysis:

   - We monitor each news feature to analyze coverage, audience reach, and impact, providing insights into how these appearances are influencing public perception and engagement.


6. Crisis Management and PR Support:

   - In the event of negative publicity or a crisis situation, our team is equipped to provide immediate PR support and crisis management to mitigate any potential impact on your reputation.


7. Integrated Marketing Support:

   - To amplify the impact of your news features, we integrate them into your broader marketing and communication strategies, utilizing social media, email newsletters, and other channels to extend reach.


8. Feedback and Continuous Improvement:

   - After each feature, we gather feedback from both the client and the audience to refine and improve future appearances, ensuring ongoing effectiveness and alignment with your goals.




- Increased Visibility: Regular features on news channels significantly boost your visibility among a broad audience, enhancing brand awareness.

- Established Credibility: Association with reputable news outlets lends credibility to your brand or campaign, building trust with your audience.

- Consistent Public Presence: Bi-monthly features help maintain a steady public presence, keeping your initiatives in the public discourse.

- Targeted Messaging: Strategically crafted messages ensure that your key points are communicated clearly and effectively, aligning with your objectives.

- Competitive Advantage: Regular media appearances can set you apart from competitors, highlighting your expertise and leadership in your field.


Why Choose Us?


Our Bi-Monthly News Channel Features service offers an unparalleled opportunity to elevate your presence and authority in your industry. With our expert team, extensive media network, and strategic approach, we ensure that your appearances are not just seen and heard but also make a lasting impact. Partnering with us means choosing a path to greater visibility, credibility, and influence, leveraging the power of media to achieve your goals and drive success.

How It Work

How iMediafy Is Work Process For Our Marketing Customer

  • 01Making a Plan Just for You

    iMediafy learns your goals to craft a unique strategy. They select optimal social media platforms and ad types to effectively broadcast your message.

  • 02Creating and Sharing Stuff

    The team produces engaging social media content, videos, and articles. These are strategically released online to capture audience interest and convey your story.

  • 03Keeping Your Image Shiny

    iMediafy monitors online feedback to highlight positives and manage negatives. They engage with your audience to maintain a favorable and active online presence.

  • 04Making Things Better with Data

    The agency analyzes campaign performance to refine strategies. They adapt based on data insights, ensuring your message resonates more effectively over time.

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